9 oktober släpper skotska Travis sitt nionde studioalbum, som bär namnet ”10 Songs”. Första låt ut från albumet är ”A Ghost”. Singeln kommer hand i hand med en animerad video – skapad av frontman Fran Healy och hans fjortonårige son Clay. Fran säger själv att det är den mest bisarra videoinspelning han gjort.
Fran berättar om hur videon kom till:
– The video started out as a mocked up picture of me and three ghosts playing the last chorus of the song in a deserted alleyway. Just when everything was ready to shoot, the world went into lockdown, so we had this great song with no way to make a video, so I decided to draw it. It worked out that it would take around 30 days, with 2,500 drawings. Most of the animation is rotoscoped, and one day I was watching a sequence back and when it got to the end, it flashed and went into live action. This was the moment I realised I could shoot the mock up picture of me playing with my band of ghosts in the alleyway. It was clear that filming the last 47 seconds would save me 10 days of drawing, I could recruit my 14 year old son Clay as the cameraman as he has a drone, and most importantly, we could film it socially distant. It was the most bizarre video shoot I have ever worked on, but it turned out great.”