Flea markets and collectable exhibitions
A few good tips are;
-Bringing cash in different values is a must at the flea market
-Be there early if you want a bargain – the best items are sold first – and make up your mind quickly
-Don’t be afraid to try and knock down the price – but do this in a nice manner and with a smile (do Not try and knock the prices if the money goes to charity)
-Take your time and go around the area several times since it is difficult to see everything at once
-Rake up and turn things around and don’t be too hasty, then you might miss the gems
-Look over the item so it’s not damaged
-See the possibilities in the items – washing up liquid, stain remover and a bit of pain might do miracles
-Bring along bags to carry your purchases in.

At the moment items are being sold and bought during summer in Sweden in different sorts of auctions. Genuine decedent estate auctions are not very common any more, so most auctions are items from several directions. Anybody can in this way bring items to the auction, so be hold, and not everything might be old and valuable.
The time of the year is also a matter to consider, the summer auctions are often well visited and tourist attractions, which means the prices will be higher. Rain might upper your chances of a bargain. Moreover is the beginning of the auction of importance. At the start the audience has not been "warmed up" in the bidding and then you will have your chance to be alert and do some real bargains. Another good opportunity is late in the afternoon, when people have started to go home.
To shop in an auction is exciting and fun, but how is it done really? Below you can find some golden rules and things good to know when it comes to auctions;
-Be respectful towards the auctionist and don’t speak too loud with friends.
-Prepare yourself by going to the display before the auction starts. Then you will have an overview and time to find what you are looking for. If you find something, examine the item closely.
-Everything that is sold in an auction is sold in its existing condition and it is you who’s supposed to examine and be the judge of its condition.
-Make clear bids by raising your hand or call out your bid loudly. In some auctions you receive a badge with a number on it and then you make your bids by raising the badge. The numbered badges often mean you call make your purchases and pay for all items at the end of the auction. Don’t look too interested when you make your bids that might trigger others to bid as well. Don’t make the first bid, it might be beneficial to wait and throw in your bid at the end.
-Also decide how high you are willing to go prior to the bidding and try to stick to your plan. Bid if you really want to buy this item, stop if it gets too expensive. It is easy to get carried away and pay too much!
-Look in the different bargain boxes – there might be gems hidden underneath other items. But pay attention things might be moved during the display.
-At most auctions it is a cash only policy for a quick and smooth payment. At some, it is your bid which determents the price and at others, a provision is added to the price. The provision often consists of a percentage. The auctioneer informs you about the rules.
-Many antique dealers will put in a bid in advance, while others are on site and bid a lot. The antique dealers often stop their bidding long before the items’ true value because they are selling it with a profit later on. If the price is reasonable, you may make a bid right above the antique dealer’s.
-Consider the transportation – larger furniture is often sold very cheap, since no one brought a trailer to the auction.
Online Auctions
In excess of "regular" auctions there are a number of online auctions, to mention a few; auctionsnet.com, Tradera and Blocket etc. Same rules here as in other auctions. Read carefully about the item’s condition and other information of interest. It is also important to look at the measurements. Decide a maximum price for yourself and monitor the auction so that you don’t miss the deadline.
Band Blocket etc. Same rules here as in other auctions. Read carefully about the item’s condition and other information of interest. It is also important to look at the measurements. Decide a maximum price for yourself and monitor the auction so that you don’t miss the deadline.

Bargain tips!
Here are some tips for items available very cheap at the moment in Sweden;
Swedish furniture, china and fabric from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Good quality and a lovely design to a good price
Old cups which usually are made with fantastic handicraft. Brass items are also available as a bargain
Homespun linen such as bed linen and tea towels are available for good prices
Season bargains; buy the winter stuff during summer and vice versa
Tin (even 19th century) may be cheap, tin stoup and plates might be available for a few hundred Swedish kronor
Practical items such as cookware and garden tools are also cheap and does often have better quality than newly manufactured
Vintage clothing is often available at the flea markets and to bargain prices
Finally, have fun and shop with your heart and buy items you like and may have use for.
Best regards,
Auntie Antique