Duran Duran släpper banbrytande animerad video till ”Danse Macabre”


Med creative director Linc Gasking vid rodret visar denna fantastiska video upp banbrytande nya AI-drivna tekniker, av vilka några lanserades så sent som förra helgen. Resultatet är ett 3D-animerat mästerverk som tidigare skulle ha krävt ett helt team, över ett år och en rejäl budget att producera.

Nick Rhodes säger: ””I like the idea that if you can imagine something you can make it come to life, well at least in animated form… With the Danse Macabre video we did exactly that. We began by deciding who would be on the ultimate Halloween party guest list, then a selection of witches, mythical beasts, vampires and demons were rapidly developed, using the latest AI animation techniques. I was truly astonished when I first started to see the results. It was something that would have previously taken a team months in an animation studio, but it was all happening almost instantly in front of our eyes.
Over a period of a few days we created a whole new universe populated with beautifully strange inhabitants to celebrate the release of Danse Macabre, with a gothic dream.”

Linc Gasking tillägger: ””We are at the beginning of a new medium of storytelling, with a camera directly into the imagination.”

Bandet annonserade också nyligen sitt mycket efterlängtade 16:e studioalbum; ”Danse Macabre”. Skivan är planerad att släppas precis i tid för Halloween den 27 oktober, på Tape Modern via BMG,